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AssemblerGenesis Collection

Website Opensea
Accepts web or ipfs protocols. Expects image or metadata. Use # for zero-padding format, eg. #### + 1 => 0001. Append %# to upscale by # times.
Repeat: Create Pixel Text→
Image Cells: px %
Layer Composition: ° % %
Resample per Layer:
Tip: choose a preset, then press Assemble, A key, or space bar.

IPFS is prefered, but slow :(
* grid must be a matrix of cells 
  or a [bracketed] fill pattern

* limit caps max samples per a collection
* collapse max caps square size
* density eliminates blocks until satisfied

most inputs can be ranges:
layer_rotate: 0-45 / image_limit: 1-4 / etc...

[background/frame color]
transparent                  _
css color                    #f00
indexed palette              1 | 2 | ...
random palette               * 
approximate color            ?†
centered image color         .†
(† uses one image massively upscaled)

[grid cells]
random choice                A | B ...
any collection               *
atomic collection            @ 
unique atomic collection     @1
selected collection          ?
id from collection           S:123 
index from collection        B1@1 
index from sample            M%1
empty                        _
image url                    https://image.jpg
color                        #f00 | red | rgb(0,0,255)

squares of this pattern      1 . => 2x2 of 1
automatically collapse       . .

tag a cell so future         ?`tag
randoms use same value

squares of same value        1 1 1 => 1 . .
collapse when similar        1 1 1 => . . .
                             1 1 1 => . . .

squares of any value         1 2 => 1 .
collapse when random         3 4    . .

directions                   NSEW
random cardinal              +
random cardidal + 45         *
random direction             R
random sets                  NS|EW
fraction of x/y              x y
random * x/y                 X Y

[fill patterns]
grid of H rows, W columns    WxH/X
filled with constant X
* N => NxN
* WxH => WxH/?

repeat-right splats          A => A A
input horizontally

repeat-down splats           A => A
input vertically                  A

* assembler will attempt to create the biggest
  output image possible